Archives For November 30, 1999

Blissfully aware

March 3, 2013

I started this “series” back in September 2012 with my first entry dedicated to the things that contribute to my happiness. I’m adding my second installment a mere six months later (I had lofty goals of doing this much more frequently than I actually have.)

1. This video. If you only have time to watch one thing today, make it be this video!

2. My 11-year old son who says things like, “What’s up?” as he strolls into the room…like we’re buddies and actually have stuff in common to talk about.

3. My 9-year old son who no longer fits on my lap, but still lets me snuggle with him…when no one’s looking.

4. My 4-year old daughter who has a STRONG opinion of every piece of clothing she owns. And who does crazy sh*t like this on a daily basis.

5. My husband who has been rocking a weight loss challenge at work and is down 30 freaking pounds.

6. The amount of sleep I got this weekend (I was comatose for a good chunk of it).

7. The Saucony running shoes I just ordered online. I plan to wear them in the Lincoln Half Marathon on May 5.

winner shoes

winner shoes

8. Watching Saturday Night Live on the DVR as the rest of my family goes to bed.

OK, your turn. What are you blissfully aware of these days?

Created by Heidi Woodard